
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We are one week in and i’m so in awe of the Father. He is so gracious, humble, kind, thoughtful, and awesome. I have never been surrounded with so many people who not only want to glorify The Lord but want to enjoy Him. We worship because we enjoy Him. He is so worthy to be praised and honored.

I had a lot of thoughts going through my head the first day I walked into training camp. Stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, and A LOT of excitement.  I had few expectations of how it would go. I am thankful that our leaders didn’t give us much info because I don’t think I can explain the transformation that’s happened in my heart and the hearts of others. The only explanation is the power and authority of Christ. Here at training camp, we are able to take part in intimacy with the Lord, create deep Godly community, and experience His power on the mission field. Our purpose as a team is not to magnify what we can do for others, but what Jesus did for them. This means that Jesus is the hero of every story. Thank you, God.

It would take days to tell you all the things I’ve experienced in the presence of God this past week. But I will share a few things with you all! First, Jesus is a healer. You can’t say Jesus’s name without believing all of his other names, like, redeemer, savior, lover of my soul, and HEALER!! I had always been skeptical about miracles because I was never able to recall a moment where I physically healed. But it’s not just about physical healing. there is emotional, mental, spiritual, AND physical healing in His name. This past week i was able to experience every one of these, Praise God. He’s been so gracious to allow me to experience healing in my heart and to witness it happen to my team. On Friday morning, one of our teachers gave us a time to forgive. A time to forgive others and ourselves. I learned that in God’s sight, forgiveness is not a suggestion, it’s an expectation and requirement for his people. This is explained in Matthew 18:21-35 or known as the parable of the unforgiving servant. (I’ll leave that and let you read the parable for yourself and let God speak through it!!) Through the reminder of God’s grace towards me, I was able to forgive others AND myself. I witnessed hearts being freed, and if it can happen to me and my team, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU TOO!! Will you partner with God and let him heal you?

This has been the question on my heart this week. Little testimony moment…. 🙂

I grew up in a wonderful household and was brought up in truth. (Shoutout to my lovely parents <3) This made me think I was always right. Over the years, the enemy started to plant seeds of pride and self-righteousness in me. In middle school and high school, I was very lazy, but a hard worker when it came to fitting in. I was a good Christian girl when it came to church, but when it came to public school, I was a different person. I was gossiping, cussing, watching things I wasn’t supposed too, and all these things made me crave the approval of man. I’m still learning to accept that God’s love is enough, because it 100% is. Ain’t no high like a Holy Spirit high! Unlike a normal worldly high, that is temporary and fake, this high is everlasting and life-giving. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude because of how the Lord is working. He’s so masterful <33

Thats just a little glimpse of life here at the world race!! P.S. WE WON SQUAD WARS?! (I literally don’t know how but we did!!)

Update on fundraising!! IM FULLY FUNDED!! AH!! PRAISE GOD!! as of like 2 mins ago!!!

I cant say thank you enough to you all. You are making it possible for my team to share the best news ever to the people who need it. Words can’t describe much I want to personally thank all of you!!! WE DID IT!! Me, You, and The Lord!! 🙂 Enjoy these pics from this week!!

some of the team shaved their heads !! :0